About ‘Look at Me’

The book was created to raise awareness of Down’s syndrome and promote inclusion.

Like everyone, children and adults with Down’s syndrome are unique, valuable individuals who share the same wide range of emotions, experiences, and ambitions as all of us. Each page in the book showcases the models’ personalities, interests, and achievements and how they have grown and flourished over five years since the first photographs were taken in 2017.

The photographs encourage us to think about the unique and diverse qualities of people with Down’s syndrome and to celebrate differences. Look at me! What do you see?

The Look at Me project

Look at Me began in 2017 when 37 volunteer models with Down’s syndrome, living in the North East of England, were photographed by Kayla Wren. Her brother Nathan is one of the models. This formed a photo exhibition shown in many venues across the North East, including colleges and town halls during 2018 and 2019. It was seen by thousands of people and received a great deal of positive feedback.

This exhibition led to some members of Down’s Syndrome North East (DSNE) creating and performing a dance called ‘This is Me’. DSNE also held a conference to share how far the ‘Look at Me’ project had come, and members made a film, ‘Look at Us’, about our charity.

We hope there will be a copy of the book in every primary, first and special school in the North East. We also hope there will be copies in maternity units and our new baby gift boxes.

Look at Me Book

Purchasing a Book

Books can be purchased at a cost of £10 per copy (plus £3 postage and packaging). To purchase a copy of the book, please email contact@dsne.org.uk with your details and we will be in touch.

In the Media